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6820 199A Street
V2Y 3B7 Langley
British Columbia

(604) 534-5049

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Terry Morrison 20.06.2023
I have been wearing a men's hair system for over 30 years. The last 10 as a client of Maria Jaggard Salon. Up until the last 2 hair systems which started in May 2021, everything was satisfactory. I did not make an issue from the purchase in May 2021 even though I have never seen a hair system lose this amount of hair over a 2 year period. I stayed with Maia Jaggard and purchased a new hair system in February 2023. 3 months later this hair system is losing hair as well in the front and needs a serious repair. A quality hair system should never require a repair in 3 months. It's not the brush, shampoo, and conditioner or abused. It's the product. Maria offered to have it repaired for free but I do not have a backup system to wear during the repair. I have decided to walk away as there manufacture cannot supply a quality product as per my photos from the last 2 hair systems over the last 2 years. A repair does not solve this issue. The photos are shown on the link below.

Photos link:…

I was disappointed because it took 3 weeks for a response. (Jaggard Salon response below)

Our rep has a 2nd job and doesn't do this full time so he's doing his best to work with our salon. It took longer to get a response because our rep was out of the country on holiday with his family and responded back to me as soon as he came back and explained, so I will not punish him for not responding as people do go on holidays and also since this company is the only factory we now work and deal we try our best to work with them and not be petty with them. Who knows if the factories start to really become hard to work with then maybe it is time to shut down all the way. I do not know for how much longer I want to be in this Industry when I get a response like the one I get from you.

I just spent approximately $ 5,000.00 for 2 hair systems over the last 2 years. I would be furious and deeply concerned regarding the product the manufacture is providing. I never threatened or used any obscenities towards Jaggard Salon, but I was blunt and stated the facts which included photos.

I questioned where your web site went as it is not there anymore. To my understanding they are working on it.

Kamlesh Sangha 27.02.2022
Very good
I have been her her client since 2013. I have always received the best service from Maria and her team. I specially appreciate Mitchell’s expertise. I really recommend Maria for best quality system,

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