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19677 Willowbrook Dr
V2Y 1A6 Langley
British Columbia

(604) 202-7146

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Terry Morrison 12.05.2023
Purchased a used 2015 Kia Sportage from Vancouver Liquidators in Langley in July 2022. I have not purchased a vehicle in almost 30 years because of my reliable B2200 Mazda truck from 1993. When the vehicle arrived and discovered a few days later, the horn and windshield washer fluid did not work.

Paul from Vancouver Liquidators told me 3 times including just before I signed the papers at our kitchen table that payments would be monthly.
I was 100% wrong for trusting him. They are bi-weekly. Dan Duckworth the general manager might as well said too bad so sad.

The reason for writing is the battery keeps dying. If the car sits for 2 days the battery will be dead.I had to purchase a Noco battery charger which was an out of pocket expense for $ 250.00 I have used it 6 times.

Dan Duckworth and Jay told me verbally they would install a new battery back in September but backtracked on it. He decided to take it to a dealership in Surrey. They came back and said the car battery is fine and so is the alternator. How can the battery be dead for 3 days, pick it up and 2 hours later bring it back and state everything is fine?

The battery problem continued so Vancouver Liquidators took it to your Kia Dealership in Langley to fix the battery problem. They had the car for 2 weeks in October. This did not solve the problem as it still continues.

Because of the car horn, windshield washer fluid, the salesperson lying to my face regarding payments. Then they were going to replace the battery and now were not and the problem continues., I deeply regret purchasing a 2015 Kia Sportage. I now discovered there is no jack in case the tire goes flat.

Buyer beware.

Surrey, B.C.

Terry Morrison
Terry Morrison 30.03.2023
Purchased 2015 Kia Sportage. Paul, salesperson led about payments. I was told and confirmed to me 3 times the payments were monthly, they were not. They were bi-weekly. It was a creepy conversation when I spoke with Paul. In the end too bad so sad for me. My fault, too much trust and did not read the fine print. Horn and windshield washer fluid did not work. The battery died a few weeks later. I was verbally told by Dan and Jay that they took it to the Kia dealership for inspection. (Twice) Once in Surrey and once in Langley. Because the problem continued I contacted Kia and they had no record of servicing my vehicle regarding this issue. This dealership cannot be trusted on anything they say.

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