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2032, Boul. Curé-Labelle
H7T 1L3 Laval

(450) 235-2371

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

MIJIYAWA Ali 13.02.2024
Very good
Meilleure service je vous assure , c'est sans commentaire !
Serge Sylvestre 09.10.2023
Very good
Ce fut une belle expérience de faire affaire avec Auto Primo. J'ai aimé particulièrement la prise en charge et l'attitude de toute l'équipe tournée vers le client. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt!
Miranda Mccarthy 13.02.2023
The following is my experience with Auto Primo and does not represent that of other customers.
1. I purchased a 2020 car with only 17,000kms
2. Salesman advised it was in an accident but was repaired and was minor
3. Paperwork that I signed as part of this purchase stated the vehicle was in an accident, was repaired and there were NO defects/damage to report. It DID NOT say it was rebuilt.
4. I personally paid $2800 to have this damaged vehicle shipped to me (1st shipment I paid/2nd shipment I paid another $2000 when they wouldn’t pay for it to ship back so that cost was also on me, so $4800 total in shipping).
5. It arrived with thousands of dollars worth of damage (as documented by shipping and repair company). I was unaware of these damages prior to purchase.
6. Auto Primo offered their resolutions- ALL which left me with financial loss for a vehicle I purchased only 2 months prior & with damages unknown to me (I also was not shown carfax prior to purchase).
7. The damaged car they sold me had a carfax showing it was deemed salvaged approx. 1 year prior with $21,000 DAMAGE & had thousands of dollars worth of exterior damage. AUTO PRIMO’s suggested Resolutions were: 1) repair the exterior damages to the car (I would have never purchased this car knowing of these damages, so this did not seem fair for me, I did not want a car I now had to have repaired) ; 2) they would buy back for $9000 LESS than what I paid 2 months prior & 3) If I purchase another car from them and trade the damaged car in, they would give me an additional $2000, which left me $7000 in LOSS (I felt bullied into this purchase as this option was the only option that left me with the least amount of loss). After shipping the car back to them, I saw they had it up for sale AGAIN for $4000 more than they offered me. *To Summarize, after AUTO PRIMO sold me a car with damages that were unknown to me, their “best” offer for me was taking $7000 NEGATIVE equity for a car I purchased only 2 months prior(if you include shipping that I paid for the damaged car to ship to me & ship back to them for the trade, I lost an additional $4800, so that gives ME a total FINANCIAL LOSS of $11,800! This does not include the increased interest rates as a result of me having to enter into a new car loan with them and rates had gone up since initial purchase of the damaged car. The manager I was dealing with stated to me that he did not have to do anything for me. I asked if I could speak to someone above him as I had spent a couple of months with no resolution with him & he told me he did not like to be “threatened”- when I simply wanted to speak to someone else who may be able to assist. I regret ever making a purchase with Auto Primo. UPDATE: as of Feb 13,2023: They had called me, I was under the impression they were doing their best to help me with this situation. I was told they would present me with an “offer” but before showing me the “offer” I was told I had to remove the review above. They offered me $2000 which still left me NEGATIVE $5000 and TOTAL LOSS: $9800. I was willing to accept it as they made me feel this was the “best” they could do even though a customer who spent thousands of dollars in their business and sold a car that was damaged without being aware, I shouldn’t have to accept any financial loss. Auto primo didn’t see it that way as they tried to say they lost money as well. Even if that is true, it was THEIR EMPLOYEE who sold me a damaged car and now I’m at a loss. After I told them I would still want to post a review to reflect that they did give me some of the money back but still left me at a loss, they advised they would get back to me. These are not ethical actions, in my opinion.

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