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Terri Mason Source: Cylex | 17.02.2013
A few times a week when i arrive, as a patient for over 2 yrs, the pharmacy is open 5-15 minutes later than 8am/7am. Which, in turn creates me being late for my job up to 3 days a week. I am/was hesitant to say anything, but even I have to be @ work on time, (8:30am). I leave 30 minutes before they open to be at least 5-10th in line, and end up waiting outside those extra 15 minutes waiting for someone to arrive. Due to this consistently late Pharmacists at least two days a week. I would much rather NOT tell my employer why, as the stigma of the clinic and the nature of where i work-(trail guide and work with handicapped and all children and horses) and takes me 25 minutes to get there. I really like ALL of the Pharmacists, but I also have to question their obligation as a professional occupation to be on time.
Is there any way for this particular clinic to open on time? I have been contemplating saying anything, but now I have an obligation to be on time also.

Thanks for your time and I mean no ill-will as I really like all of the staff, and the great help i have received, but im still always late for work..please can someone help this situation?

Sincerely your,
Terri Mason

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