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Recent reviews on Yably

K L 04.12.2022
No expertise or professionalism in their work or conduct since the previous owner stepped back. If you take your vehicle here, be sure to document the condition it was brought in, in the likely event that they will cause damage and not inform you, or deny the damage at all. Their solution to any issue regardless of how small or politely it is mentioned will result in berating. Again, there is no professionalism here. You can see older 5 star reviews are based on the previous owner and previous clients. The new people running it do not respect you or your property. Avoid this place to avoid a headache.
Dakota Blue Hilchey 03.12.2022
I can see that they made all sorts of rude comments about the condition of my vehicle, called it garbage, made fun of the painted brake calipers and the exhaust system etc. while reviewing this I can see that they also NEVER EVEN DROVE IT out of their parking lot to test the work or even confirm that it is still not overheating.

A week goes by and my car is still overheating when driving it more than 15 minutes after paying Hillmans just over $1000 to install a $150 part, they tell me that if I want to have it looked at again that I have to drop it off and leave it with them for 3 weeks before they will even look at it and scream at me on the phone and tell me that they don’t care about my situation at all. They also said I can’t have my dash cam in my vehicle while it is there.

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