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Contact info

310 Wellington Road
N6C 4P4 London


Opening hours

Hours set on 19/02/2024
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Please Call For Saturday Appointments

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Recent reviews on Yably

Lu Vu 29.02.2024
Very good
I am fairly new to London and required a Dentist. I reviewed many possibly Dentists, within my area, and ended up with Wellingdon Dentistry.

Their dental clinic is every bit of being Customer centric. They are open seven days a week; late evenings as well.

I first called to ask to become a new patient and was greeted by Rose. Rose was very sweet, kind, helpful, welcoming, with an amazing disposition.

I had made an appoint, but a day later I had an incredible painful tooth and I chatted with Nancy at their office. She was able to squeeze me later that evening. Nancy was extremely helpful and kind.

I went to my late evening emergency appointment, and met Rose in person, at the front desk. She is every bit as kind in person as she was on the phone.

Dr. Wael stayed late and worked on my tooth. He was assisted by Brenda. These too folks were kind, polite, helpful, and very attentive. They both had great dispositions and a real pleasure to deal with.

Thank you, to the entire team/staff for being Customer focused and truly understanding great Customer Service.

I am happy to be a new patient and look forward to lifetime relationship with them and their practice.

Thank you.


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