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Hours set on 12/04/2024
06:00 AM - 09:00 PM
06:00 AM - 09:00 PM
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07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
06:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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Pamela Sargeant 24.03.2023
Bought items inside the store , asked the clerk if they carried Peat Moss? She replied; Yes it is outside in the far end out of the yard not under cover. I thanked her. left, saw some plants went back in to pay for them. I then drove in to the drive through gate, I asked a young man walking by for peat moss, He did not know what it was, I said for gardens, in a bag. he said if we have it, its outside .Drove to the exit and asked another young man if they had Peat Moss .He did not know what it was so I told him it would most likely be in a bag, that it was like mulch only a lot finer for gardens, he went to the closed darkened cubicle/hut, opened the door and spoke with a person there, who came out and pointed and said to the young man yes we have it , it is over there in the uncovered area. It was hailing quite heavily while the young man in coat ,vest, and hat went to look .He suggested I get out to help find it. I said no, not in the downpour, I told him you should know your stock and he apologized. I drove out and parked the truck until the hail/rain passed over then got out. The heavy set Latino? man who was the same man in the hut, was leaving the store, as off duty. I asked him where the Peat Moss was. I told him that I spoke with two employees in this yard and they do not know. I said this was shitty service, my words. He did not like the comment, ok. I said the staff should know their stock. he says they are new, but when they are standingoutside not doing anything why don't they go look at the stock ? this large man was sarcastic and said did you go look? Show the young man what you want? I told him I am not an employee, that is their job to know the product and assist the customer to get it. I said why should i walk through the uncovered yard and find it my self. You should know where it is. I told him I could not believe his lack of service and that he was being sarcastic to me. I told him just forget it, I am leaving. I told him I would put in a review about him and the overall poor service, he said have a nice day! I do not know this Staffs' name but he is a poor role model for the new young, uninformed staff The instore girls were most courteous. I shop at Rona often and I did not expect this to occur. This is a small issue but what gives? this heavy set guy is not new, knows where the product is. But I should go find it my self, then what? go get help or carry to carry it to my truck but i have to get the truck and drive around through the gate again to pay. All of this could be avoided if the staff do what they are paid to do. Or make the drive through area a self serve area, that you know is self serve before you enter and then leave via a small exit, where you pay for your goods. There is no point in asking for help if there is none!

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