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10557 Keele St #1
L6A 0J5 Maple

(289) 204-8809

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:30 AM - 08:00 PM
09:30 AM - 08:00 PM
09:30 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
09:30 AM - 08:00 PM
09:30 AM - 08:00 PM

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Charlene Arbour Source: Cylex | 27.08.2015
Very good
I was involved in a car accident in September 2010. Having never been in an accident before, I went to a clinic in Ajax that the hospital ER doctor recommended. Suffering from constant daily headaches and chronic neck and back pain and not seeing any improvement I left there and went to Physiomed on a referral from a friend. I can't thank that friend enough for introducing me to Physiomed and Dr. Amorim. Physiomed Maple provides high quality care in a punctual, calm and friendly environment. Dr. Amorim is easy to talk to, always professional, incredibly knowledgeable and genuinely cares about his patients wellbeing. He is always attentive to my situation no matter how busy he is. He goes that extra mile to ensure that you leave the office feeling better than you came in. There are not enough words to thank Dr Amorim and Physiomed Maple for all of the treatments, support, encouragement, and kindness that they have shown me over the past four and a half years. They have helped me to make many improvements in my health and my life. Pick up the phone and call Physiomed Maple now to book an appointment, You won't regret it and your body will thank you.
Permax Hee Risinpox Source: Cylex | 03.08.2015
Very good
Dr. Amorim is very professional and only makes the suggestions necessary. He is transparent and truly helped me with my issues and concerns. He is someone I would highly recommend.

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