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5100 Dixie Rd
L4W 1C9 Mississauga

(905) 564-5953

Opening hours

Hours set on 27/01/2023
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Amber Ghalib 01.04.2022
Very good
My name is Ghalib. I got into car accident few years back and hired alam law firm. I would like to thanks all their staff and special thanks to Mr. Muhamamd Alam and Mr. Aftab Alam. Both lawyers helped me at each and every step and stood with me against the big insurance company. They were accessible all the time and helped me a lot. My lawyer applied for catastrophic case and fought very hard and got the best possible settlement. I would say that my lawyer exceeded my expectations. I would encourage all to contact them for any injury and disability matter or any legal matter without hesitation and your wont be disappointed. Also, their emergency hot line service 4166252636 for new accident victim is amazing.

Thanks again my lawyers and the team for helping me
zohra rashid 21.01.2022
Very good
Mr . Alam and his amazing Team achieved unbelievable result for me. I can't thank them enough for great results and their professionalism. Yes it takes time, nerves, a lot of paperwork and dedication but in the end it totally worth it. Highly recommend Personal injury Lawyers to anyone who thinks to get legal advise and fight for their rights and entitlements after injury. Once again I really appreciated Mr. Alam

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