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100-4310 Sherwoodtowne Blvd., Suite 136
L4Z 4C4 Mississauga

(647) 715-2155

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 10:00 PM
09:00 AM - 10:00 PM
09:00 AM - 10:00 PM
09:00 AM - 10:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Ryan Williamson 25.08.2022
I have the unfortunate opportunity to deal with what in my opinion is the worst security provider in Canada, Beeyond Group. I thought because of the Brinks brand name that Beeyond group would be a good choice to provide a security system and monitoring services for my acreage - I could have been more wrong. This train wreck of an experience for me started right after I signed a 3 year contract. The Beeyond Group installation team missed several appointments with no notice to me when I had taken time off work to be present for the installation. Days of fighting with Beeyond Security over the phone resulted in an installer finally arriving at my home. This is when the real fun began. I don't think this installer had ever installed a Brinks security system. He couldn't connect the cameras, had to borrow my tools, and left without completing my installation after12 hours of torturing me and my family. He said he couldn't come back the next day to complete the installation because he had other installations to work on??!! Days and days go by with more fighting with Beyond Group on the phone and eventually the same installer shows back up at my home. He eventually gets the cameras installed but they aren't positioned correctly to cover my whole property as planned. I could have told him were to install the cameras to get the proper views but I was relying on someone I thought was a professional to take care to this basic step in setting up a security system. Now I'm moving to a new home and Beeyond Group is saying it will cost $750.00 to move my equipment and install it at my new home. That's right folks $750.00??!! I'm on a 3 year contract paying $89.24/month and they want $750.00 o move my service to my new home - $350.00 of that $750.00 Beeyond Group says is for travel expense. Wow, I'm in the wrong business if I could get $350.00 to drive 30 minutes to my customer location. I have tried working with Beeyond Group to resolve this matter but, in my opinion, they don't care about customer service, don't provide a quality product, are difficult to deal with, and are gouging customers. I will be cancelling my 'lack of service' with Beeyond Group as soon as my 3 year contract has ended. If you're looking for a quality home security system with competent support and reasonable fees it's my opinion that you should avoid Beeyond Group at all costs.

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