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2000 Credit Valley Road
L5M 4N4 Mississauga

(855) 393-0900

Opening hours

Hours set on 05/01/2023
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Saturday - By appointment only

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Recent reviews on Yably

Sonex Buskat Herraxlix Source: Cylex | 17.10.2015
I just had a routine dental cleaning as prescribed by my Insurance coverage's scheduled maintenance. The cleaning done by their Dental Assistant is far from being acceptable. While she carries the routine quite normal she is not as detailed as what the service should be. Some tartar build up and plaques were still unremoved. It took me 3x to come back on different occasions just to point out to her what needs to be cleaned! Also, she doesnt have a good communication ability making it difficult to understand. I just had a routine dental cleaning as prescribed by my Insurance coverage's scheduled maintenance. The cleaning done by their Dental Assistant is far from being acceptable. While she carries the routine quite normal she is not as detailed as what the service should be. Some tartar build up and plaques were still unremoved. It took me 3x to come back on different occasions just to point out to her what needs to be cleaned! Also, she doesnt have a good communication ability making it difficult to understand. This clinic is money-oriented. It charges the clients quite high compared to the quality of service. As an example, i had a cleaning routine with them. Knowing that i have an insurance, i expected them to max out as possible what can be claimed. However, what seemed to be a bit overboard is they included some items that are not supposed to be itemized already as its already part of one item in the bill (e.g., Scaling and polishing should be under one item as most other dentists would charge). It goes without saying that definitely this Dental clinic is not for the welfare of its clients but more so to fatten their pockets. They do love you so much once they know you have your insurance coverage. Dr J***** is more interested to seek any possibility of making money out of your dental health by pointing out seemingly non dental issues. She wants to upsell her service by suggesting removing other good condition teeth (e.g., let's change your amalgam filling with a white one). Overall, with my more than 5 times of visit or so with this clinic, im not happy at all. It exists to rip you off of your money by charging as many and as high as possible. It's a rip off! Beware!

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