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Contact info

2166 Westfield Dr, Suite A
L4Y 1P7 Mississauga

(647) 957-2455

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
07:30 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Andy D 29.07.2021
Little Champ Camp in Clarkson is entirely outdoors with barely the basic consideration given to the safety and security of campers. I was duped into signing up for Little Champ Camp after being told by Camp Director, Alexis Elliot, that there would be three large circus tents for campers to shelter from the elements. I discovered this meant half a dozen BBQ canopies with no walls, which campers remained under during constant thunder and lightning storms. The storms were that bad some days that I kept my son home rather than condemn him to sit under a flimsy canopy all day.

For the first two weeks, my son had to change for swimming in one of two portable toilets that were emptied only once a week. During heatwaves with high humidity and temps in the high 30s, these “porta potties” were teeming with flies and the stench of daily use from dozens of campers and camp counsellors; and left open in the evenings and weekends for the general public to use in the park.

My emails to Little Champ Camp Director, Alexis Elliot, voicing my concerns and asking for better facilities were mostly dismissed or ignored. I tried to enrol my son in another camp, but there was nowhere local and available. I eventually pulled him from the camp early and lost my money after losing all faith that Alexis Elliot could or would make it any safer for kids.

At $400 a week, there are plenty of indoor/outdoor camps in Clarkson for around half this price that are run much, much better. Just book early. The teenager camp counsellors do their best with what little they have; and most of them don’t get paid. This just adds to the fact that Little Champ Camp is a blatant rip-off, and was obviously run with a lot more competency in previous years, hence better reviews.

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