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Stephanie Santos 13.09.2022
0 stars. My husband and I enrolled my son part-time MWF for 1 week and I noticed my son and other children did not appear happy. I should've known when the centre looked dull, non-stimulating with old toys and materials but my dad and husband convinced me to give the centre a chance. I spent time filling out the centre's registration package that offered the Storypark app so family can access pictures, videos, etc of the child's day at the center but I found out on the first day that they do not offer it at their location. I was disappointed because I felt lied to. They should have updated their registration package because I think working parents rely on that app and it was one of the main reasons I enrolled my son to the centre. It was heartbreaking to hear that my son took his lunch and ate under the table. I found it twisted that the ECE found it "cute". My husband and I decided to withdraw my son from the centre when we noticed he was starving and dehydrated despite being told that he ate lunch well. When we brought him home, he drink 3 full cups of milk and started on a 4th and ate 1.5 toast with 2 Tbsp peanut butter. The staff may seem pleasant in person but their actions do not match their words.

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