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1339 Khalsa Dr Unit 201
L5S 1W6 Mississauga


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Recent reviews on Yably

Dev Bhatti (dave) 14.12.2023

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction and frustration with the recent handling of my account, which has been a cause for concern and inconvenience.

As a loyal customer of nearly three years, I have consistently paid my monthly bills using my credit card as my chosen method of payment ( they were billing and charging my credit card every month). Despite my adherence to this payment method, I was shocked to discover that my phone number had been disconnected due to alleged nonpayment.

Upon reaching out to Customer Service for clarification, I was informed that I am required to pay for two months of service that I did not receive during the period of disconnection. This demand is not only perplexing but also unjust, as it raises serious questions about the transparency and fairness of the billing process.

I am baffled as to why I am being held responsible for charges related to a service that was unavailable to me during the time my phone was disconnected. This not only contradicts the principles of fair billing practices but also fails to acknowledge the inconvenience and disruption caused by the sudden loss of service.
I called Customer Service to provide me the Customer Service Record(which means my Address on file and Account number)
They were asking for two months of payment. for this.
There service is below Average.

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