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Abigale Stephens 17.11.2023
had an extremely poor experience with WeeWatch Mississauga. My daughter was scratched in her face several times by another baby and came home basically in tears and reluctant to me touching her face for baths and playtime for the duration of the weekend.
I never received a call or text from the care giver unless I reached out first, and she also mentioned that she wasn’t aware that my baby was hurt until the children called her attention to my crying child, that was very disappointing to hear.

I met the mother of the child that injured my child and she told me that she “doesn’t care and she never knew anything about it”. I ask her how she could not care about something that she claimed to know nothing about. She was reluctant to answer. I asked the care giver if the parent was aware and she confirmed that the parent was lying. I told the parent that she’s a not being truthful and that she wouldn’t like it if that was her child coming home with those scratches.

She eventually reported the matter and claimed I was badgering her and made a scene. The WeeWatch agency rep called me to let me know that she is discontinuing care for my child because she thought the matter was laid to rest as the care giver advised her that she doesn’t need to contact me about my child. The Weewatch rep downplayed my daughter’s injuries, and if that wasnt enough she specifically stated that the call was not to check if my daughter’s scars were healing but rather to tell me how the other parent felt.

At no point in time did they care about what me and my child dealt with at the care home, but rather me telling the other parent what was true, which is she could’ve extended an Apology to us, or check on our baby.

Note: my daughter is a micro premature baby that’s very sensitive. That incident resulted in her not only feeling traumatized (not wanting me to touch her face), but also me feeling upset and somewhat saddened at how the agency and caregiver treated the situation. They were not a suitable match for us, and I’m happy to have pages ways with them.

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