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7895 Tranmere Dr, Unit 19
L5S 1V9 Mississauga

(416) 628-6222

Opening hours

Hours set on 03/08/2022
10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
10:00 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Nazia Fatima 22.11.2022
Very good
I’m very satisfied with the entire team Waliya sir and simian mam they are very co operative and simran mam is very good at communication and had a very great experience thank you so much.
Vimm Gurpreet Sehmi 18.10.2022
Bunch of liars. Do not trust them. They even lie to their own employees who work for them so how can you expect they will be truthful to their clients. Akansha do not even know how to behave in a office. She mentally harass her team member because of her many employees left the company including me. ( Will provide the proofs if needed) And most importantly, all the things happen in front of the owner and he just laugh and ignore. I had a panic attack because of her on august 24, 2022 as she was jumping in me and was about to slap me , in their presence but they even do not bother to ask the situation of the employee afterwards. I was the one who faced mental harassment and tortures and i was the one who was told not to come to come from next day. The culprit continued her job. Please find some other professionals and mannered consultant rather than illiterate one who even do not know how to behave in a office.
Harmandeep Sandhu 29.09.2022
Very good
Thank you so much for my study permit extension, good team and good luck.

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