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2148 Rue Beaubien Est
H2G 1M6 Montréal

(514) 721-5550

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Recent reviews on Yably

Eric Sommz 03.11.2023
BELMONT SECURITE is LITERALLY one of the WORST companies I've ever purchased online from!!!! Firstly they didn't send all items in my order and still charged me the full order amount almost $500 and only when I complained even having to call in did SIMON from customer service finally issue a refund for the missing items. Also Belmont Securite sent me a few wrong items totally different gloves from ones selected in my online order. I returned those wrong gloves with a few more items just because I didn't like how they had handled my order from the start by not notifying me that those missing items were no longer in stock and the purchase amount would be refunded asap. (WHICH IS HOW IT SHOULD BE) Instead I was told I would have to call in and speak with someone to receive the refund for the missing items which should never be my responsibility to convince a company that they didn't send all the items in my order. Thankfully they admitted that they didn't have stock and that is why they were never shipped. They refunded that amount for the missing items about a week after calling in. Then I did my return of certain items including a few sets of gloves that were never selected in my order but somehow were shipped to me which I still don't understand how that even happens?? To top off this TRULY AMAZING experience it took Belmont Securite about 2 months to finally issue my refund for the returned items. After several emails asking for a status update on my return to being told by SIMON that he didn't forget about me and my refund was on his desk to be processed that day which didn't end up getting processed until almost a MONTH LATER???? and now made the refund nearly 2 months in processing which then resulted in an almost $40 interest charge by my bank because the refund took well over the month allowed on the credit card and when i informed Belmont Securte that I was charged because of their slowww processing of my return they STOPPED responding to me and haven't responded since! Clearly this is UNACCEPTABLE and is WHY I am leaving this full review to WARN potential VICTIMS of the REAL BELMONT SECURITE and that they really DO NOT CARE ABOUT US!!!!! Much better companies and prices out there!!!!! PLEASE BE CAREFUL ITS JUST NOT WORTH THE HEADACHE FRIENDS

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