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2348 Rue Jean-Talon Est suite 209
H2E 1V7 Montréal


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09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Annie Mehtap Ytm 15.09.2023
Very good
Je tenais à remercier l'école Omega St-Michel pour leur service impeccable. Ayant initialement essayé d'apprendre à conduire dans une école de conduite où j'ai vécu une très mauvaise expérience, j'ai développé une grande anxiété pour la conduite.

Plusieurs années plus tard, en voyant les bons avis sur cette école, j'ai décidé de retenter ma chance ici. Je n'ai vraiment pas été déçue. Autant le service à l'accueil, que la rapidité de la prise en charge, les disponibilités pour les cours, la flexibilité avec les cours théoriques en ligne, la patience, gentillesse et le bon conseil des moniteurs.. j'ai réussi mes examens théorique et pratique dès la première fois, avec confiance, chose que je ne pensais plus possible après mes débuts de conduite catastrophiques. Ça fait maintenant 6 mois que j'ai mon permis et je suis à l'aise de conduire ! Merci pour tout.
Xiaotong Xue 12.04.2022
Nice instructors and administrative staff! Thank you for your teaching and your help!
I could have given 4 stars if it weren't for her.: Ms. Annie Mehtap Yetim

I had some questions regarding the price of the renewal of my contract, so I went to the school to clarify my confusion. (For context, it was written in the school's contract that a fee of 150$ plus tax is required to re-open a closed file, but the school asked for 300$ plux tax.) When I was at the school, the administrative staff was super nice and patient, she agreed with me that the contract policy is not clear, so she had to ask her manager later. I was polite and patient the entire time. However, after two days of waiting, the manager told me over the phone to "Take your diploma and go elsewhere! I am not going to waste my time with you! We are done! I am not talking to you! We remember your last name! We are done with your drama! " (Those are her exact words which I have recorded on my phone in case she denied mhy previous statements). I was so shocked by how RUDE she was as a professional.

Response to the manager: Ms. Annie Mehtap Yetim
"Drama and waste your time?" That is so ridiculous! I only went to the school twice regarding this matter, each time lasting no more than 10 minutes, and whenever I was there, I was polite and calm the entire time (Go check the school's video camera if you don't believe me). Even your staff agreed with my point of view about the ambiguity in the contract. I had a nice, reasonable discussion with them. However, you, as the manager of a school, refused communication by repeatedly interrupting me and by hanging up in my face, so in the end I was forced to leave the school against my will. Therefore, please tell me what drama I have caused and how I wasted your time? Even the one call I made with you was only 7 minutes 15 seconds in total.

You said "we have explained to you 10 times about this". However, an unclear explanation repeated 100 times is still unclear. Meanwhile, it was your staff who agreed that the statement in this contract was not clear and asked me to contact you for further explaination (Go check your video camera about what your staff said).

Most importantly, the price for renewal of the contract was never listed clearly in the contract we signed. When you say it should be 300$ plus tax, I have nothing to refer to or base myself on! When I ask for some clarification, you, the manager, refused to communicate as a professional. Instead, it was all angry yelling. I told you I was going to pay what I have to pay, but instead, your response was "Pick up your diploma and go elsewhere".

I have looked through the reviews across different websites and I found out this is not the first time people have complained about your attitude. When more and more people start to question your professionalism, you should really start to reflect on yourself.
In the end, when the contract is not clear, please explain the policy to your student professionally instead of kicking them out of the school.

Again, thank you to the administrative staff and instructors!
Have a good day :)

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