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09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Tonbel Vakcas Gexri Source: Cylex | 20.03.2015
Avoid this place at all costs! They are unprofessional and abusive. A lady named P** physically threw my requesition in my face after I refused to pay them for an eye exam that is covered by OHIP. The requesition that they threw in my face clearly states that the exam is covered. My doctor also stated that the requesition he gave me covers the eye exam. Upon arriving I provided a receptionist with my requisition that states a major eye exam is covered by OHIP as per my doctors request. My OHIP card information was taken and while doing so, the receptionist asked me if I wanted to add a retinal imaging test that was not covered by OHIP. She explained it cost $25 out of my pocket, which demonstrated that she understood that the initial exam was covered. I refused and proceeded with the exam that my doctor requested. Halfway through the exam I was approached by another receptionist about the $25 retinal imaging test. Again I refused. Once the exam was completed, the optometrist explained that she would be referring me to a specialist and provided me with a prescription for glasses. As I was leaving a different receptionist asked me to come back. She told me that nothing was found and that I had to pay $125. I told her that the exam was covered as per my doctors requesition and she stated that it was not, because nothing was found. I refused to pay and asked her why the optometrist would send me to a specialist if they did not find anything. She asked me to wait and went to the back. After waiting, a woman named P** came from the back. She tried to force me to pay for the exam and I refused. I showed her where on the requesition it said the exam was covered by OHIP, but she wouldn't have it. I then asked her to print me a copy of my requesition, which she sarcastically agreed to. After printing a copy she demanded that I give back the prescription that the optometrist gave me. I asked why and she said I didn't pay for the exam and that she wouldn't give me a copy of the requesition until I gave her the prescription back, basically holding my requisition hostage. I refused, but then she snatched it from my hand and threw my requesition in my face. I told her that I would be sharing my experience online for people to see and she said "go for it". So here I am. I will say that the Optometrist, Dr. Harninder Sandhu was very professional, but the overall experience was horrible apart from the exam. Poorly or untrained staff that is aggressive and abusive. I will never reccommend this place to anyone and hope that nobody else has to go through what I did at Bayshore Optometric Clinic.

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