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6767 Morrison St
L2E 6Z8 Niagara Falls

(289) 932-3584

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM
05:00 AM - 10:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
05:00 AM - 11:00 PM

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Shakuntala Swami 01.06.2023
This is for the attention for the management office for the LA fitness for Niagara Falls, Ontario branch: I'm 80yrs. old senior, decided to join LA Fitness from other fitness places.. As you advertise offering the "world class facility" 🤷🤔?!! Any reporting about dirty bathrooms, broken / malfunctioning showers are never taken seriously! Months passes by without any correction! I'm not able to use regular shower stall in ladies area because of my Spine problem, there was only one shower stall with the seat and the hand hower for the people on wheel chair and other challenges! It has been over a year since this shower doesn't work ! when I was a visitor last year, today still the same ! Now finding it hard and afraid to fall down using the regular shower stalls. I was very sure that in do many months it must have been fixed! The support pipe is dangling and shower metal has broken from the top that eater if coming out like a tape from the top of the shower mouth! When I try to remind the maintenance personal, there is just no reaction but same excuse that have ordered for the part !!! 👎 In so many months your organization has no respect for seniors or any clients with limited ability to use normal showers! *Most* other shower stalls also has the water going all over beyond the curtin but not enough on the person! No one has been checking about the functionality to see if they are in good working condition or not! Sometimes dirt stays in the shower floor for days and when you request for better clean up . I was slapped with answer that " why are you only the one who complain"? Made me feel very humiliating! Now the Hot tub is not working for over TWO weeks! No one is in hurry to fix it ! When swimming pool is close, also takes days if not weeks ! Once I got the reply while asked when the Hot tub will be fixed? I was told that we are working very hard, people have been fixing things since 5'Clock ! Yes, good for you ! Is it my concern that your staff has been fixing things since early in the morning ? You charge people and promise the facility declaring your place with *World class* ! Better take our problem more seriously ! There is no reason that WHY your Hot tub has always a problem ! The sign board of Chemicals imbalance by the entrance of the Hot tub I'd decorated for over two weeks! No sign of any intention of fixing it ! I joined LA fitness after 80 for my health and aqua therapy! Only thing I can use according to my Neuro Surgeon. My monthly fees have been going waste if no Hot tub no shower stall for disable client, other showers not always functioning properly! When reporting the problem it's only shrugging shoulders without any action ! Polite requests of weeks are falling on the deaf ears! If still there is no action taken to change the broken shower in ladies area and no Hot tub working PROPERLY , I will have no choice but to go and ask for the help from the local News paper about the mismanagement! I was the member of the same fitness center before COVID time as well! Though I was in better health. But jets in the Hot tub have been always a problem since then!!! I'm not sure if my request and taking this time to forward this HARDSHIP is Going to make any real difference or no one really cares, so far no problem in banking the profit ! I'm looking forward to hear some responsible follow up and not just a lip service as always! Your delay in providing promised service is affecting my health! My effort and the transportation time is not worth for the fees I'm paying! Waiting to hear from you ASAP! Troubled senior client @ Niagara LA fitness. 🙏

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