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92 Queen St.
L0S 1J0 Niagara on the Lake

(905) 468-4772

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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kimia 08.07.2023

Pending review
The Worst Customer Service Experience Ever at This Beautiful Disaster of a Restaurant
Prepare yourselves for the epitome of a disastrous dining experience, where customer service hits rock bottom and the taste of disappointment lingers on your tongue. This restaurant is an abomination, an absolute disgrace that sets a new benchmark for the worst service on the face of this planet.

My repeated attempts to give this place a chance have only led to consistent disappointment. This time, I brought along my fiancée and parents to showcase the wonders of Niagara on the Falls. Little did we know that the staff had a twisted agenda of their own, hell-bent on tarnishing our day.

The saga began with the upstairs area being packed, so we were instructed to return in approximately 20 minutes. However, upon our arrival, we were unceremoniously informed that the upstairs had magically transformed into a ghost town. Why, oh why, did they not inform us earlier? The answer came in the form of an arrogant and malicious Chinese woman, who seemed to believe that she owned the establishment. Her demeanor was nothing short of tyrannical, berating me and threatening to fire the person who had given us the return time. The venom in her words would make Hitler or Mussolini proud.

Deciding to salvage what little remained of our sanity, we settled for an outdoor table. Alas, the torment did not cease. Another server, who seemed to have perfected the art of rudeness, approached us and asked if we wished to stay. As if our presence wasn't already a clear indication, we confirmed that indeed, we were already seated. The response we received was a condescending and contemptuous "That's all you needed to say." The audacity! How dare they treat paying customers with such disdain and insolence?

At this point, we had endured enough torment and bid this wretched establishment farewell. I vow never to darken their doors again, for their lackluster food pales in comparison to the abominable customer service they offer. This place is a breeding ground for incompetence, where the staff seems to revel in making your life a living nightmare.

Beware, fellow diners, for entering this restaurant means subjecting yourself to an unparalleled level of torment. Do yourself a favor and avoid this place at all costs. Seek refuge in an establishment where dignity, respect, and common decency still hold value. This restaurant's superficial beauty cannot hide the putrid stench of their abysmal management and staff.

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