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British Columbia

(604) 220-8866

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09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
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Karen Koost 27.08.2022
Very good
Problem: I have been diagnosed with ADHD by my psychologist since I was 15, however, the doctor told only my parents. I have gone through most of my life with addiction issues, alcohol, drugs, and other things. I also had brain trauma from a ski accident which gave me concussion along with 2 big falls on my head. FOr the past 10 years, I have also developed periods of depression which left me bedridden 7 -10 days at a time periodically. I have started therpy and it has helped alot. Something still missing. My heart wanted to do certain things, but my mind and body couldn`t execute it. Even simple everyday tasks like getting up to face the day and showering will give me anxiety. This led me to a further spiral. SLEEP HAS ALWAYS BEEN TERRIBLE. I sleep 4 to 4.5 hours a day and would wake up not being able to face my day because of anxiety about not getting enough sleep. I have tried going on Concerta, but the medication completely destroyed me. My friend`s son recommended me to Elumind so I tried.
Treatment Plan:
Elumind has planned a 94 session neurofeedback therapy for me. I was going in 3 times a week, each time 2 sessions back to back (100 mins).
I live in Richmond and to go to NorthVan 3x a week in the beginning was so difficult to do as I was facing anxiety/commitment/motivation issues.
After the first 16 sessions, I do notice a difference. The first thing for was my phobia of showering was deteriorating . From that, i knew it was working. My sleep has gotten EXPONENTIALLY better. The hours haven`t increased too much. i`m now sleeping 5to 6 hours average, but the quality of my sleep is just unbelievable amazing. There are days i can sleep 8 - 10. I also wear a sleep tracker and my rem and deep sleep has been half of my sleeping time. Unheard of. I am now done 44 sessions and I can honestly say I feel like a new car. Truly happy as cheese. My anxiety is almost gone, I don`t feel the need to drink to find happiness, I am able to commit to my appointments so I have now started to get inshape because I can commit to fitness classes as well as able to do commit to intermediate fasting. I dont` feel all over the place anymore. I have regained confidence inmyself and have a great outlook in life. I look forward to the results after i`m done the full program.
Final thoughts:
The reason for this long review is for those who are looking into neurofeedback and wondering whether they should try it out? I can tell you with 100% conviction that it has changed my life completely, for the better. I`m now so much more confident, happy and looking forward to life. I went from a 2 to a 7/8 in terms of my overall mental/physical well being. I hope to be able to attain 9/10 when i`m done with the program :) but am already so happy with what i have now. I would trust the doctors and the team at Elumind and follow their whole program. The doctors were so patient and took the time to answer all my questions while going through my brain mapping which i greatly appreciate. I have read alot of online comments saying neurofeedback doesn`t work but that might be due to stopping after only a few sessions and the consistency. I have been really motivated and consistent with my treatment just because i am feeling the changes.Yes it is expensive, but if I was to choose again, I would do it again and again. It is long lasting. Mental wellbeing is priceless. I understand Elumind have worked out a financing program which an institution. I thank the wonderful team at Elumind. They are the very best!!!! Even when i go in grumpy at time, I`m treated with a smile from everyone everyday. That makes my day. Thank you Elumind team.

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