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1225 Keith Rd E #1
V7J 1J3 North Vancouver
British Columbia

(604) 990-5572

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
06:30 AM - 06:00 PM

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Nasrin Moradinik 31.08.2022
I registered my daughter (she is 9) in Park Place Montessori Daycare (Brooks bank) for summer programs. I had heard Montessori Daycares have great care and service. BTW, my daughter was hit and called names in the class by one of the staff's grandkids (who was in my daughter's class) and it was repeated several times. the first 2-3 times they just reported to me that there was a conflict and everything is alright. Regardless of my daughter's complaints I tried to be positive and considered it a quarrel between kids. However, it never stopped during these 2 months and the instructors seemed to have not much reaction after the hit or call names. The grandma (one of the staff) apologized to me twice for what has happened but they could never manage to stop the kid. Checking the parent's camera I figured out the kid sometimes hit/bullies other kids as well. When I told the main teacher, she denied it. So I recorded what I saw the next time and told them I have the record. After recording, again they apologized and forced me to talk to the kid's grandma and she told me what do you want from me? I (confused) told her I wanted nothing just to manage the situation. The last time the kid hit my child, my daughter got really frustrated and broke a toy. They immediately called me that she has broke the toy and can't control herself. I asked what was the reason and I heard again the same thing! Finally, I emailed the manager and what I received was: "Children at the age of 5 and 6 years old and older do exhibit these behaviors at some times. Some children have a hard time expressing emotions and resort to name calling and physical behaviors." and many more changes in the scenario to show that my daughter caused her to be hit or be called names. On the other hand, my husband left a 1-star review and the lady replied that "you are spam from Africa or India!" again my husband wrote another review and explained we are not spam and she immediately reported the review. If you search Park Place Montessori Daycare (Brooks bank) on google you see quite a few 5-star reviews and a 1-star which has a reply accusing the child and the mother again(right/wrong). Here are other experiences to share with you:
- The tuition is high compared to the service
- They don't give children the food they have on their schedule. they give them the leftover until it is finished and then a new food comes up. This July took 2 weeks until they finish brown rice and chicken.
- For after school, you see a variety of activities but at least 40 percent of the activities never happen and kids are wandering around for hours doing nothing (Camera records).
It was a long story but hope it would be useful for those who are looking for a good place to take care of their child.

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