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1520 Lodestar Rd #17
M3J 3C1 North York

(416) 551-8287

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
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Recent reviews on Yably

Nataly Marlow 27.05.2022
Very good
I hired Chris to remove mould that was not visible for me to see behind the walls and the ceiling. We received an environmental assessment where an air sample showed that we had mould behind the walls. Chris came in to the area that we believed was impacted and he quoted a fair price and executed the job efficiently! From time of engagement to completion was less than a week and we couldn't be happier with the result.

Thank you so much Chris!
Nataly Marlow 27.05.2022
Very good
CPR24 RESTORATION team did an excellent job cleaning up our water damage from a toilet that flooded while we were out of town. Chris answered my questions and communicated the water remediation process every step of the way. I highly recommend Chris and his crew! They were friendly and politely to taking care of our water damage, and we are very happy with their amazing work!
Laura Jones 27.05.2022
Very good
We had mold in our basement in cold room area. After we called so many companies and no one answered The moment we call CPR24 Restoration they answer right away and they came to my property in half an hour. The gentlemen Chris explain to me everything why the mold is in our basement. CPR24 Restoration team removed contentment area and clean all my basement, We are very happy to hire this company. I will recommend to anyone who have mold in there basement.

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