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2829 Keele Street
M3M 2G7 North York

(416) 631-7605

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:00 AM - 06:00 PM
07:00 AM - 06:00 PM
07:00 AM - 06:00 PM
07:00 AM - 06:00 PM
07:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

NaWeed SedeQi 11.09.2022

We had the worst experience ever with Friendly Times childcare center. Wish we never found this place and enrolled our kids in there. In short words, they want to enroll kids with disability so a teacher / ECE comes with the kid so the stuff can chill all day and be on their phones. The director (who calls herself director of 3 stuff members) has terrible table manners. They’re looking for the smallest reason to send your kids home. We as a young couple almost lost our jobs by the enormous amount of time our kids were sent home. They refuse to follow Toronto public health rules.

There probably was one incident of biting which usually happens in a preschool room, the director wanted us to sign some forms so she could hopefully make the ministry hire another teach for her. When as parents we went to centre to share our concern and find out about this procedure, Ms. Nicole yells at my face: YOUR KIDS IS BITER! I felt like I was in a racism issue and this daycare needs to be closed because Ms. Nicole tortures the parents because she’s not getting more funding from the ministry to hire more teachers.

When we tried to escalate this to know the situation better, Monique Shreck claiming that they were from board of directors, emailed us from a private Gmail with no signature at 01:00 am, sending pages and pages of emails defending Ms. Nicole and blaming us rather than behaving professionally and hearing other side of the story.

There’s a shoe still missing that we paid for over 150.00 cad. When my wife went to ask for the shoe, Ms. Nicole wanted to start a fight.

There’s a ton more inconvenience that we experienced but as a form of advice, if you don’t like your job, please leave. Please don’t play with parents and kids’ lives’s. People have jobs to do. If you don’t like and enjoy what you are doing, then this is not the right job for you!

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