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116 Albert Street
K1P 5G3 Ottawa

(604) 713-6718

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Greg Panera Source: Cylex | 12.02.2024
Very good
Great Service from these folks! We moved from Swift Current, SK to Richmond, BC and had a great experience! The crew had performed packing services and full move. We had a very expensive cabinet that was very dear to our heart. They had packed it so good and the item arrived without a scratch. Great service from this company. I would definitely recommend them.
Jessica Slayman Source: Cylex | 27.01.2023
Very good
I was very nervous about using a mover for my long-distance move. I am a single your woman who was relocating after a messy relationship in Alberta. Had moved there about a year ago and had to find out the hard way that I needed to head back home. My parents live in Aurora and I wanted to be closer to them. I was very satisfied with the quick response from CP Van Lines. The sales reps were always very quick to respond and had explained everything before I went ahead. We had sent a list of all the items to be moved and Nicole was quick enough to respond so that I could be out of my old place and on may way back home within a week. My stuff was picked up, they sent me the total invoice and gave me time to come up with the funds while the shipment was on the way. Great help from the staff. I would not hesitate to recommend them.
Janie Bastien Source: Cylex | 12.10.2022
Very good
Many thanks to this great company. We moved from Prince Albert (Saskatchewan) to Burnaby (British Columbia) in May of 2022. We had an amazing experience. From the staff at the pick up location to delivery crew – they were all great. Young folks who worked hard and never complained. The pick up location was a very long driveway by the driver managed to get in. It was a rainy day and the crew did wrap all of our fabric item which was great. Had the items stored for a few months and we finally were able to find our dream house and have the delivery on September 22. Booking the delivery was easy and with a few days notice the delivery was reserved and we were able to accept and settle in. Took me sometime to get around to write this review. We worked mainly with Nicole but the rest of the team and dispatch guys were great to deal with as well. We had packed our own boxes (saved us a bit on the cost of the move) but the rest of the items the crew packed. I am happy to report that aside from some minor scratches and some boxes that were misdelivered to the wrong room we had a good move.

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