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K1G 4E2 Ottawa


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Recent reviews on Yably

Thomas Clark 03.11.2022

DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY to repair, install or replace your sump pump...they will leave you with a hole in your foundation wall and tell you to seal it yourself or call someone else. They will also damage your sump pump and use the cheapest option to repair it, thus leaving it still broken. They will also leave you with water penetrating your electrical components.

I hired John the Plumber to repair a leaking seal around the discharge line of my sump pump. He assured me he would fix the issue.

The day they arrived they told me they would only replace the line and I had to seal the hole in the foundation wall myself, this confused me, but they said i could use some blue seal (which I purchased incase there were any cracks in my foundation) to seal the hole, I was left with a hole in my foundation while it poured rain for two days and poured water into my basement. Blue seal is not designed to fill large holes, nor does it work on wet surfaces.

Their website advertises the best sump pump repair and installation...I still can't understand how that doesn't include sealing the hole in the wall. I've had electricians put holes in my exterior walls and they seal them.
I've contacted other plumbing companies who state its the plunbers responsibility so seal the hole.
I've tried to contact them and they keep saying they do not seal the foundation and that I need to hire a foundation contractor. I've called foundation specialists and they won't take on the job because it's half done and they don't want the liability. They have all told me that the plumber should have sealed the hole and finished the job.

They guaranteed me that they would replace the damaged heat trace line that was in my sump pump, which the plumber (now no longer employeed by the company) severed when replacing my discharge line.
It took a month for them to decide replacing the line was too expensive (their words) and that they "hope" the patch on the cable would last. I've called the patch manufacturer, who have stated they do not guarantee it lasts and that the cable should be replaced for extended use. I also still have water entering my home, as the severed cable took on water over the month wait and my heat trace device and electrical outlet continuously fill with water.

They have tried to blame my sump pump and offer excuses. They have offered me credit for the job and have wished me well with the issue.

DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY to repair, install or replace your sump pump...or anything for that matter. They are a absolutely horrible company and only care about saving money. (Again, their words)
Anne Schlieper 30.09.2022
Very good
Geoff was prompt, efficient, sympathietic and understanding. Couldn’t ask for better!

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