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100 Frontier Path Pvt
K1J 0C5 Ottawa

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Recent reviews on Yably

Erin Smith 28.01.2024
My experience residing in a Killam REIT (Frontier) apartment building has been far from satisfactory. Despite the building being labeled as pet-friendly, the reality is quite different. On numerous occasions, I've been reprimanded for merely bringing my pet downstairs on a leash – a clear contradiction to the supposed pet-friendly environment promised.

The staff's attitude is nothing short of disrespectful. Cleaners and management appear to possess an unwarranted sense of ownership, creating an uncomfortable living atmosphere. One particular member of the management waits around outside just to tell VISITORS where they can and can’t park and will literally tell you to move your car or you’ll be towed. I don’t understand how this management can possibly have so much time on their hands when apparently “overseeing” 2 buildings. Then there is the cleaner of the building who literally stops cleaning and spends a significant amount of time following me around when my cat is with me which makes me uncomfortable in my own living space.

What's particularly baffling is the strict enforcement against having pets downstairs, even when leashed. I've received not one but two written letters admonishing my Bengal cat for merely being on the main floor, sitting on their table while leashed. This level of micromanagement contradicts the essence of a pet-friendly establishment, leaving residents feeling frustrated and confined.

In summary, Killam REIT's (Frontier) apartment building has proven to be a disappointing choice. The staff's disrespectful demeanor, arbitrary pet restrictions, and overbearing management make this living experience far from enjoyable. Prospective tenants should approach with caution, considering the numerous drawbacks overshadowing the promised amenities.
s H 03.08.2022
Garbage ..quality is gone their management are rude ,racist won't solve any problems except hope you move the moment they see you have a backbone

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