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Opening hours

Hours set on 08/09/2022
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Ian 18.08.2022

- Initially quoted 18 business days to do repairs. Completion date: June 28.
- On June 24, receive an email that the completion date has moved to July 12 - no explanation provided. When I call to find out why I get voicemail. No call back.
- On July 8, receive an email that says car will be ready on July 12. Excellent - I make plans to use car the following week
- On July 12, no call, no explanation, when I call I am told new completion date is July 15. Refuse to provide rental car.
- On July 15, no call, no explanation, when I call am told completion date now July 26
- On July 26, no call, no explanation, when I call I am told completion date now July 29
- Front line person at shop and adjuster have no idea what is causing the delay. Asked to meet with manager of shop as delay is now more than a month! Manager refuses to meet.
- July 29 comes and goes, receive an email indicating new date is August 4.
- After more escalation, they finally provided a rental car on Aug 2.
- Eventually got my car back on August 17.

Total repair time: 76 days. No explanation ever provided for the delays other than "we found additional damage" but provided no explanation as to what that damage was. Except for the first time I never received any proactive communication about changing completion dates, the dates just drifted by and I had to call to find out what was going on. Zero ownership of the problem by TD Adjuster or Shop Manager until finally someone on the insurance side took action.

One positive: the repair looks like it was done well - but have only had the car back for one day so will monitor.

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