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22 Young Street
K1S 3H5 Ottawa

(613) 234-2910

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
07:30 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Grand Marquis 21.10.2022
I am a former tech for a German company. I know what I am talking about. My experience at Young street garage was unexpectedly horrible. Brake service - done without cleaning the anchors, pads, or calipers at all. Rust present in all the areas supposed to be clean. - Exactly - the same as when I brought it in. I have not seen a worse job done in my career. I paid for nothing. An awful job. I cannot say enough about that. They lied about warning lights being on the dash, and after completing the job, I now had permanent faults. They actually wanted to make me pay for a scan to find the issue. Additionally, they way over quoted me for the part they would not say for sure is the cause unless I pay for a diagnosis, and refused to do this work unless I bought their part, with their markup. As a tech I have access to cost for parts (through my former German dealership) The funny thing is I brought my own part for the initial visit for the problem I came in for, and not once did anyone say (I spoke specifically about this job to both service advisors) they do not install parts customer supplied.. Only when they had my car in the garage with the problem did they inform me of this 'Policy'. Here is the actual answer I received - "You know you cannot do that because its like you bring your own steak to a restaurant and ask them to cook it" Unreal. Such a disparate analogy. I could go on with a few other minor, unprofessional things. I will just say all around a terrible experience. Oh they also just ignored one of the jobs clearly on the work order and simply did not do it.. Yes Its true.

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