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124 Middleton Ave Unit E
V9P 2G5 Parksville
British Columbia

(250) 937-6141

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10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
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Deborah Maddocks Proby 29.11.2022
Very good
My daughter was getting married and, in lieu of a mother of the bride speech, II had a vision of a bunch of seniors, myself included) trying to twerk to a lyric altered gangsta rap beat, all packaged up as a music video.

I started gathering some of the video but was soon overwhelmed with how to record the music track, a voice over, and integrating all the various videos that would be needed. And then I met Nick, through my plea on Facebook.

Nick accomplished the near impossible - he recorded and fixed my vocal track, he performed miracles on the often low-res submitted videos, and integrated them all into a final 4 minute musical video that exceeded all my expectations.

Along the way, Nick offered some great suggestions, but always with my vision in mind. He was both patient and efficient. Nick’s comedic timing was superb and, when I saw the draft version, I did not want to make any changes. It was perfect!

The wedding guests adored the video, although the older guests were mystified by most of the slang (as intended). It was definitely the hit of the evening’s presentations.

Nick, THANK YOU !!! My vision was expansive but my technical capabilities were limited. You relieved me of an impossible task and made it all look so easy in the process.
You are my hero! Iwish you the best.

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