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2111 Main St
V2A 6W6 Penticton
British Columbia

(250) 492-8757

Opening hours

Hours set on 10/01/2023
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Pat Maxwell 25.06.2023
I purchased the above noted Skechers sandal at The Shoe Company located in Cherrylane Mall in Penticton, BC on June 7, 2023. I was thrilled to find a sandal that would accommodate bandages on my left foot from recent surgery. I have been wearing Skechers sneakers for years and love them. Upon getting home and wearing them I found that when walking the sandal made a loud snapping noise. Only on the right foot, as the left foot did not fully flex when walking. I hoped the noise would stop after some wear but it consistently continued. I tried to figure out the cause but was unsuccessful. Finally after a couple of weeks I returned to the store but was met with complete disinterest and was told the sandal is not faulty even though I demonstrated the snapping noise when walking. The Assistant Manager basically ignored my concerns. She was not willing to discuss replacing the shoes.

With some help from family, we finally figured out that the material used to anchor the strap located between the toes thru to the sole of the sandal was made of a stiffer material than the overall shoe. It did not flex when walking and created the snap. Our solution was to put a piece of heavy tape which I will have to continue to replace as it wears off.

I then returned to the store and spoke to the Assistant Manager again explaining the problem with the shoe and showing her the repair, but again, not much interest, many excuses, and then telling me she was busy and I was dismissed.

I was very disappointed in the service received at the store and how I was treated by this staff member. Won’t be shopping there again!

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