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Contact info

4800 Hwy 2 A
T4J 1K2 Ponoka

(403) 783-8272

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
05:30 AM - 00:00 AM
05:30 AM - 00:00 AM
05:30 AM - 00:00 AM
05:30 AM - 00:00 AM
05:30 AM - 00:00 AM
05:30 AM - 00:00 AM

Recent reviews on Yably

Natasha Johnston 21.06.2023
Terrible behaviour & attitudes. Kyle & the owner were horrible. Mary was great help.
I came in a day before my pay day, 22yr old female, Caucasian, well put together, but I had a handful of change. The clerk Kyle refused to help me or even count my money because of this, it was LESS than $4, and was making jokes about me being a child, “I’m not counting your kiddy bag of change”, “children have to do it, so can you” in response to refusing to count my money. Mary was great help, few days later I talked to the owner and he immediately said “well I haven’t heard Kyle’s story” and when I said why are you supporting him and I started getting mad, the owner told me to have a good day “because of my behaviour and how I’m acting now” due to my being upset and not hiding it. I wasn’t rude at all upon my initial contact w Kyle, even though he was belittling me in our interaction. He kept rolling with the comments harder when a guy behind me in line started laughing at me.

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