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Contact info

100 - 205 Newport Drive
V3H 5C9 Port Moody
British Columbia

(604) 461-0016

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Nd Nd 15.09.2022
ZERO compassion. Horrible clinic who should not have such uncompassionate front end staff. I would not bring my child back to this clinic even if it was the last clinic available, ever. What I observed when I brought my 8 year old son in was a ZERO compassion atmosphere with Zero care for any human being in pain or distress. Absolutely disgusting for a medical clinic to not be able to think outside the box or past their own nose. My 8 year old son had just tripped on the concrete directly in front of their doors and scraped both knees and hands bloody and filthy as the sidewalk outside is disgusting and broken and in front of a high traffic location. I brought him inside crying in pain with blood coming down his knees and on his hands to ask if they had a first aid kit or bandaids to clean his wounds that I could use as he was in severe distress. The front end reception person looked at me as if I was some kind of Disgusting gum on the bottom of her shoe and said sorry no walkins today. I wasn't there as a walk in or a patient, they could have been any business that my son had this accident in front of and I still would have come in to ask if they had a first aid kit or bandages that I could clean my child up with. Basic human compassion and common courtesy. I asked her if out of compassion she could at least give me a Band-Aid and tissue to help clean up my son and she again gave me a withering look and rolled her eyes saying she "will see" if she can help me "when she's done" doing what she was doing. We left with my crying bleeding child to go to the next business and ask for the help that they gladly, instantly gave when they saw a child in distress who had obviously just suffered an accident and needed help.
Disgusting for a medical clinic to have such an uncompassionate person working at front reception. I was not an appointment, nor a walk in, I was with an 8 year old boy who was bleeding and crying and was simply asking for a little bit of human compassion and a Band-Aid to help him. I am a professional business owner and if one of my staff ever treated any person who entered my establishment in such a way, representing my business, in such a manner, client or not, they would NOT be my front end representative. Especially not in a healthcare setting where compassion and care would definitely be an an asset/needed working with people in delicate or sensitive healthcare situations. Shame on this clinic and the the uncompassionate, unprofessional, uncaring
coldhearted front end staff

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