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2270 Boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel
G1P 2H7 Québec

+1 418-683-0158

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
03:00 PM - 05:30 PM
03:00 PM - 05:30 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

MaKee QuA 13.10.2021
We picked up Ma-Kee yesterday afternoon. And we are VERY DISAPPOINTED with how
he was handled for following reasons:

1) His bed and pillow were full of pee and other dog hairs. Initially, the
attendee or caretaker brought out a wrong bed. Then, when we had to tell her
what color was ours;

2) Ma-Kee’s harness was still wearing his harness, just how he was when we
dropped him off;

3) Ma-Kee smelled pee. It looks as though he was left to pee in his cage or
spot. When we checked him in, you asked me if he pees on his bed or blanket, we
said he does not and so you took in his bed, blanket and pillow. I had the
impression that my dog will get to walk 2x or more a day;

4) After we picked him up from your salon, we stopped at a park just a few
kilometres from you. As we placed him on the ground, he can BARELY STAND UP and
WALK! It was like he was learning to walk again or like he has arthritis! Both
of his back legs were weak and he tip toes when walking!! So, that made me think
that he could have been placed in a cage and not the smooth pavement as per your

5) Then, he pooed immediately, very large ones and did it twice!! It looks like
he was not taken out to do his poo and pee.

6) My dog was thirsty and hungry. Upon check-in, you assured me that you have
bowls for him. And you even asked me how often he eats and what is the portion.
I have his food and the cup measurement.

I was impressed by what was said in your website and on how your salon started.
It said that yhe owner had the passion for pets, but with just how my Ma-Kee was
handled, there was NO love, respect, attention and care given. My furbaby was

Today, Ma-Kee still can’t walk well. We would like to think that we helped your
business by patronizing your Salon/Pension. But it is heartbreaking that in
exchange, it is the stress and my furbaby’s health was jeopardize. It is very
painful and frustrating experience.

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