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4640-61 Street
T4N 2R2 Red Deer

(403) 347-2388

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Trappist Solace 25.07.2022
I read a story online, and the got in contact with the family that posted said story.

This family brought in a cat that they had been caring for outside, this cat showed no signs of aggression, in fact he was a very friendly albeit timid cat. This cat would interact with the family and purr the whole while. Red Deer Animal services recieved the animal and 10 days later the cat was killed for aggressive behaviour. There was no contacting the family that brought the animal in, just a heartless act of people too lazy to give an animal a chance. I beg that anyone that considers bringing an animal that should be domesticed should find another solution. This place will choose the easiest route which will always inevitably be murder.

Edit: after speaking with the family again I've got some supplementary information. Not only did the lady that dropped the cat off ask to be put in the adoption list if the cat would be euthanized, the staff told her that there would be no euthanasia for this animal. So they're both heartless and dishonest. 99% of the time that "aggression" is just fear. I personally have saved animals that have had a lifetime of torment all over the world. This cat had an okay life outside, heated enclosure, food and water at will. I've seen animals that weigh 1/5th of what they should, covered in battle scars come back and be as loving a creature as a puppy adopted out at birth. I repeat, DO NOT BRING ANIMALS HERE IF YOU WANT THEM TO FIND A HOME.

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