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Recent reviews on Yably

Amanda Mae 12.10.2022
Very good
I acquired a house with unknown history on it, but got some old invoices, and Trish was happy to tell me what happened to my house before I got it and what to check for to help prevent the issue from happening again. Very friendly and helpful!
Alex G 10.02.2022
We had a flood in our house affecting the entirety of my bottom floor and my bedroom as well as my child’s room.
I currently hold a journeyman water restoration technician licence so I am well aware of the process and procedures of completing a flood having done this work for over 10 years.

Beware of wolves in sheeps clothes. Do not be fooled by friendly demeanour. They do not understand what they are doing.

I have already had to have this company come back to complete removing the wet material they left after they said everything was dry.
On there second attendance they did not think to be more careful and try and find any other moisture still remaining.
There are currently still 5 areas in my home that are completely soaked a week later that will most likely have begun growing mould.
Trish the owner of the company will give you a run around if you have hard questions and will lie to you. When she could not give me reasonable answers she lies and tells you she will “Get back to you”. She will not. They will block your phone numbers and hide from you and have there employees take part in there farce.

A prime example of how much they don’t want to be held accountable is that they do not even list there real office address on there google listing. They just put a house as there place of business which is not correct. They are actually located in the clear view area of red deer next to western paint.

I do not recommend anyone to ever use this company. After reading there other reviews I can tell you they have been consistently lying to there clients and giving terrible advise to be people putting a stain on the industry I also work in,making restoration workers look like a joke. I assure you this is not the case and this is something that should always be treated seriously.

Do not use this company if you care about having your flood done properly. They only do a half job.

I also know someone who worked for this company and left due to the fact that they were tired of having there hands tied from doing there job properly. I also have a young man working for them right now that would like to leave and come and work for a respectable restoration company as well.

If you have a flood or fire call Belfor or service master. They will do the job right.
( I do not work for either of the companies listed above )

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