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300-2965 Bremner Ave
T4R 1S2 Red Deer

(403) 350-9878

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Kristyn Barbara Christine O'Gorman 28.12.2022
I'm glad to finally open up and let everyone know how horrible this company is. When we moved in to our rental at 48 Dundee Crescent in Penhold, the previous tenants left it dirty and disgusting with many issues wrong with it. The owners of the house were very cheap and did not want to fix the issues at hand, so it was slowly done over time. Myself and my husband started getting sick from the house and we couldn't find out why....turns out there was black mold! We knew it wasn't safe to live there and had to break our lease due to health concerns. They ended up renting it out before we left so we didn't pay the cost to break the lease, however, they charged us $700 for cleaning. This was absolute nonsense as we left the house sparkling clean, they just wanted to be petty with dust on lampshades...absolute nonsense! The lady doing the inspection was absolutely rude as well. Everything was complete and utter lies written on the inspection report, it was just so they could steal money from us. By the way, we came back to the house to get my other vehicle and never once throughout the night did a cleaner come before the next person moved in. They are liars, scammers, and they have now put a second tenant at risk health wise with the black mold in the house. I have notified AHS about the health hazard that that house is. By the way, if anyone who reads this is around 48 Dundee Crescent, please let them know about the black mold...I know Red Key won't. Do yourself a favor and go with another property rental group...these guys are SCAM ARTISTS, LIARS AND THIEVES!
Mark Perozuk 24.10.2022
Hello everyone my name is Mark I am 56 years old and this is my story with Red Key. When the covid hit a lot of us Canadians lost our jobs and couldn't afford to live which in my case I became homeless for the very first time in my life. l stayed at the Mustard seed and worked for a staffing agency couldn't make enough money to get my own place. I applied for EI and eventually was approved and with my back pay l applied for housing through the mustard seed and got approved with Red Key but on a three month probation now here is the good part they did an illegal entry without a 24 hour notice. The entry was for an inspection of the place , they told me that there were no complaints about me and no odour or the smell of cigarette smoke but I wasn't unpacked and I didn't my place organized do to a sick friend I was taking care of so I was put on another three month probation. This time they gave me a 24 hour notice to check my place which was organized and clean but one thing a note on my bedroom door which had no ones name on it and all it said was Don't Go Into My Bedroom I Don't Go Into Yours And I Will Know If You Have Been In There, and they took that as a threat and I have been living here for six months and no complaints and they will not renew my lease because they felt threatened and I wasn't even there that note was for a friend who always snoops so again I will be homeless thanks to Red Key.

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