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7652 50 Ave
T4P 2A8 Red Deer

(403) 314-5421

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:30 AM - 08:00 PM
08:30 AM - 08:00 PM
08:30 AM - 08:00 PM
08:30 AM - 08:00 PM
08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
08:30 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

jessica rodriguez 31.01.2023
Jan30-Kia called me today threatening me to tell their side of my story if i dont take the bad review down. So here is my story:
My car got taken in to the dealership because of a car accident late august 2022. Got my car back jan 11 2023. Around sep or oct i got a cheque from my insurance of $9,750 for the repairs in which i deposited in to my account to give the dealership after when they were done with the car. Life happens and in desperation i had to use that money ( yes my mistake and looks really bad i know). When i got the car back in jan 11 i paid the deductible and they gave me my car. Next day they called me asking about the cheque in which i explain my self and asked them to give me at least 3 days to gather the money. They treated me like shiit and got an officer involved trying to sue me for fraud and take my car away. My insurance called me and I explained everything and they were pretty understanding about the situation and gave me 2 weeks to pay the money and told kia to leave me alone and to keep my car and not give my car to the dealership coz they dont even have the right to sue me or take my car away, they were just trying to scare you they said. I got the money within a week and i went to pay kia. When i goy my car back tho it was stained, rim was bent, cover of the engine broken and my bin of work stuff missing and they wont do anything about it. I did a mistake and it did look really bad but i tried to work it out with the dealership but instead got treated like a criminal.
Jan31-i received email and text message with their threat of sharing their side of my story.
I also got pictures

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