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87 Lansdown Ave
E2K 4T7 Saint John
New Brunswick

+1 506-652-4422

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
11:00 AM - 01:00 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 04:00 AM
11:00 AM - 04:00 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 AM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Lisa Dean 23.01.2023
Very good
The food is awesome but they hire a lot of crackheads And the crackheads bully the other staff around
ACJ 07.04.2022
Ordered from this location regularly and once in a while the quality was lacking but I didn't complain because I believe in supporting small business, especially in these trying times. That said, the last three times I ordered the toppings were a mess and lacking and sloppy compared to the previous orders. I discreetly brought this to their attention and was very polite in how I raised my concern since I would like to order again from them. However, they did not respond for weeks, so I sent another message and asked if this was their contact email and they simply replied that was it was without any comments regarding my previous message to them. It doesn't send a good message to a loyal customer who lives in the city when a message is perceived to be ignored, especially considering how I was patient and didn't complain until it happened a third time. I wish I had a photo of the pizza before that was done well but all I have are photos of the last order. I have not ordered from this location since that last order as much as I enjoyed years of ordering from them overall. This is the importance of customer service. Sometimes I ordered through my partner or friends and so this is not a one time customer. I order 1 to 2 times a week for take out. If I ordered once a week from Big Daddy's at $25 average that works out to $1300 per annum and $13000 over ten years! I have reverted back to tried and true Romano's Pizza. My point is that I will order take out one way or another but if you want the advantage (as a business) of returning customers then when an issue is pointed out you probably should just make it right for the customer and let them continue supporting your business. Modified from 2 to 1 STAR, this is because of all the 5 star reviews suspiciously with no comments, likely friends/ family, workers, etc. So to help balance the true star rating I selected 1. I believe 2 or 3 stars is the reality here, most definitely not 4. I wish you all the best, however, and it is never too late to correct your business image. Cheers.

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