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505 Rothesay Ave #1
E2J 2C6 Saint John
New Brunswick

(506) 652-2022

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Camryn Parent 11.01.2023
I went to get my nipples pierced about 9 months ago and they were pierced too deep and into the areola. This can cause serious issue if I ever have kids and breastfeed, which could make the milk flow too fast and be a choking hazard and also leak out the piercing holes much more than average leakage. It left me with the
"hammerhead effect", so the only option now is to take them out. I also got my nose pierced here and was reassured that having it pierced with a hoop wouldn't make the healing process more difficult. After months of it not healing and constantly having a huge piercing bump I asked for advice and was told to just keep cleaning it which I did. He also told me it was a keloid ( it was not an keloid, but a bump from irritation) and to put aspirin on it (WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT DO!!!!) after about another month with no change I found a piercer in Nova Scotia on and had an online consultation in which she told me my piercing wouldn't heal unless it was changed to a stud. So, I reached out again asking what he thought of that and he told me I just wasn't cleaning it enough then after I told them I was cleaning it twice a day once with warm water and the second time with saline solution he said I was cleaning it too much. When I asked about having to jewelry switched to a stud he told me it would only make it worse. I ended up changing it to a titanium stud myself and within 48 hours the bump was pretty much completely gone. I don't recommend pin studio to anyone getting piercings other than their lobes, and if you're still considering pin studio then please do extended research and take vour piercing after care into your own hands. Piercings are open wounds and should be treated as such, not with crushed up aspirin.

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