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534 rue McCaffrey
H4T 1N1 Saint-Laurent

(514) 738-6484

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
01:00 AM - 05:00 PM
01:00 AM - 05:00 PM
12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Monday: by Appointment, Tuesday: by Appointment

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Recent reviews on Yably

Braiden Cantelon 10.02.2022
Do not buy from Element de Base

1 year update. This is possibly the most uncomfortable couch I've ever been on. The pillows instead of a regular back on a couch is an awful idea, they are never supportive or conforming to your body. The build of the couch make you sink in weird un-natural ways turning you and straining your body. To top it off it endlessly has feathers that no matter what you do will always be coming out of the couch, stabbing you because they are actually sharp, and scratching your body.

They have no idea what they are doing. Delivery was supposed to be 8-10 weeks WITH everything covid related going on - we even emailed far along into the pandemic so we would get a good understanding before ordering the couch. It took 20 weeks (5 months), double what they stated. They never sent a singular update on what was going on. I had to CONSTANTLY reach out weekly to find out where my couch was, what was going on etc and they will just blatantly lie. (it'll be there in a week... 3 weeks later I'd email asking where it is etc.)

On top of that, they sent our couch in the wrong fabric, they never said anything about it until the couch was almost a month late for its delivery date, we accepted their offer for a cover because we didn't want to wait another 20 weeks for another couch... we never would of even ordered if we knew how long it truly was going to take.

Couch already looks like it’s sagging and we’ve had it 1 week - i've seen other post the same results... fluffing it doesn't solve anything.

Oh and if they offer you a "generous gift" just know its a plexi table that costs like $10 to make.

Definitely not worth the money or headache... especially when other people are having the same issues.

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