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(306) 651-2344

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Recent reviews on Yably

Colin Tumach Source: Cylex | 07.12.2023
I would like express our families disappointment in Applewood Manor. Our father had residence there from August of 2018 to September of 2019. Within that year my father was allowed unsupervised walks (Which we were told are never allowed there) and ended up being lost 3 times. He was brought home by the police service, a neighbor and a family friend notified us of our father wondering around 8 blocks away from the home. Within the time span from Feb. of 2019 and June of 2019, there were 3 other incidents where residents were lost and the police service had to be called in to find the residents. We were promised that measures would be put in place to prevent people from wondering, but this never happened. There was always an excuse by Raj...usually cost was the main factor for nothing being implemented. We were also told there was a exercise program in place with weekly activities...other then the residents kicking around a basket ball in the living room, there is no exercise program in place. I would like to say something positive about the home...Meagan and the actual employees were excellent with our father. It was management of this home that reflects that our father was just dollar amount in their eyes. Numerous times we brought up our concerns with Raj and promised that they would be addressed. After a few days, we always discovered that he never addressed any concerns we had. We had discussions with the previous owner, other residents family members and they all shared this same concern. That ownership was not willing to listen to concerns they had.

Logs of my fathers health were not being kept by Applewood Manor, but in the end we found out these were not being shared with CPAS on their visits to check out dads health. These logs are being kept to protect Applewood of any liabilities. These log books were never shared with my family.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about Applewood Manor. I personally recommend shopping around and getting a feel for each care home you visit. If they are pushy, car salesman like, stay away from that home.

BTW - The first google review of 5 stars... was issued by the owner's wife (Anu)

Also - there were so many negative reviews on Applewood Manor's facebook page, they removed the reviews completely. Please feel free to contact me with more details of what we encountered.

To anybody looking at letting there loved one stay with this company. Please do a search on the following site:

This site shows all the private care homes and deficiencies they have had and been written up on. Applewood Manor is a complete fail. Since my father has left there in September of 2019, Applewood has lost residents atleast two more times (the lost residents 'help to find information' end up on the willowgrove/evergreen facebook page). In December 2019, Applewood had 13 outstanding infractions with the Health Region.

Raj, the owner of this home has no training or background in elderly care and this is quite obvious. The original owner Trevor was the person who built up this business and ended up selling the corporation to Raj.

There is a reason this home has never reached full capacity, please search around and you will see quality elsewhere.

BTW - the first two google reviews are one of the owners and a friend of the family (never had a family member stay there)

Our family never gave written consent for my father to walk on his on. He has dementia, and did not remember where he lived.

Simply put - Raj has no clue how to run a care home and it shows

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