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136 Great Northern Road
P6B 4Z1 Sault Ste. Marie

(705) 759-2886

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Kaitlyn Wannamaker 01.06.2022
Overall I felt that I was neglected, left uninformed and treated as not a priority. The work that was supposed to be done was not done properly or thoroughly, and I never received accurate communication regarding the repairs inventory, the time it would take, or even the calls back at the times they said they would. I had to pressure them for my vehicle back more than seven days after the original time they told me it would be finished, just to receive an incomplete job. I regret taking my car there.

I had called ahead of time to let them know the drivers side window would need replacing after a break in, and the vehicle needed to be inspected for repairs after being in storage. They ordered the window ahead of time so that it was ready for replacement the day I brought it in. The day I brought it in (Thursday) I realized the catalytic converter had been stolen and was able to tell them that would need to be replaced as well. They told me they would call me later to let me know when the car was done. Around 6:00pm I called to ask if the car was ready. They said it would be ready between 7:30-8:00 before they closed and they would call me. Around 7:45 I called back and they were closed, without calling me to tell me they would be keeping the vehicle overnight. I walked home that night.
The next day I called and they said they would be calling me with a list of repairs to check with me, that afternoon. They called and left a message for me with the price of the repairs. When I called back at 4:30 they were closed for the weekend. On Monday morning I called them back and was told I’d get a call back by 1:00 that afternoon to give a breakdown of the repairs. At 2:00, I still hadn’t received a call so I called them again, and they still couldn’t give me a breakdown of the repairs but gave me a verbal ballpark of the price again which I gave the okay for. They said the car would be ready by Wednesday or Thursday now and they would call me when it was done. No call on Wednesday. No call on Thursday. On Friday morning I called them to say that I needed the car done because I was moving on Saturday. They said I could pick it up by 2:00. When I got there the car was done, but they told me the tires were cracked and needed replacing. I hadn’t been told this ahead of time so I had no time to get the tires replaced before my move, but definitely would have if I’d been told this in the previous eight days they had the car. When I took the car home, the window they’d replaced wouldn’t go down.
I called and left a voicemail message on their phone letting them know about the issue and asked them to call me. They never did. This was more than a week ago.

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