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285 Progress Ave #17
M1P 2Z3 Scarborough


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Recent reviews on Yably

Preet Kohli 15.03.2023
its been 3 weeks and there is still no sign of my tv and any news from them as to when its coming back.........;;this is pathetic.this is pathetic.
Very Very poor service. this is GEEK SQUADS outsourced service centre for my extended warrant that i have on my TV. I have my 75"TV for 4 years and only recently had issues with it stalling while streaming. no other device in my house does it ever. after 4 online service requests through GEEK SQUAD'S WEBSITE and multiple last minute cancellations by A1Teck it took them over a month , to come in and change a part, after which my TV issue got even worse.
took another 3 service requests and another month for them to show up again..
they then take my tv to their shop and call me after a week to let me know there was no issue detected and that they were returning my tv.
they were to show up today with my TV and again after waiting all day , at the last minute, , they do it again and call me to to say their one team member hasn't shown up for work so they will reschedule for next week??? they have used this excuse on many occasions. when you call them , they never pick up the phone. I have e mailed GEEK SQUAD and the local Best buy calls me after a week to tell me to file a service request online( which i have done many times ) and there's nothing they can do... Very Very poor service. this is GEEK SQUADS outsourced service centre for my extended warrant that i have on my TV. I have my 75"TV for 4 years and only recently had issues with it stalling while streaming. no other device in my house does it ever. after 4 online service requests through GEEK SQUAD'S WEBSITE and multiple last minute cancellations by A1Teck it took them over a month , to come in and change a part, after which my TV issue got even worse.
took another 3 service requests and another month for them to show up again..
they then take my tv to their shop and call me after a week to let me know there was no issue detected and that they were returning my tv.
they were to show up today with my TV and again after waiting all day , at the last minute, , they do it again and call me to to say their one team member hasn't shown up for work so they will reschedule for next week??? they have used this excuse on many occasions. when you call them , they never pick up the phone. I have e mailed GEEK SQUAD and the local Best buy calls me after a week to tell me to file a service request online( which i have done many times ) and there's nothing they can do...
its been 3 weeks and there is still no sign of my tv and any news from them as to when its coming back.........;;this is pathetic.this is pathetic.

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