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3630 Lawrence Ave E
M1G 1P6 Scarborough


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Carter Source: Cylex | 28.02.2023
Very good
I'm really glad that we found a honest and caring health care professional. We were aware that my parents hearing had been getting worse for a while, finally they agreed for a hearing evaluation.

The Audiologist was exceptionally helpful in walking us through the process and answering our ongoing questions & concerns during each and every consult and was not at all pushy like other places. He even encouraged us to go to couple of places for a second opinion or other recommendations.

Finally my parents decided to hear better & after few days only they have made a tremendous difference in their & our quality of life. No more Pardons, no more blasting TV or radios at home and they both enjoy the direct streaming from their iPhone and iPads.

I barely do reviews but this is the place to go for an excellent hearing assessment & unbiased recommendations. Audiologist is very down to earth, passionate in what he does, knowledgeable, extremely competent, very professional and a pleasure to deal with.

This is a family owned clinic, so they really value customer services and there prices were very very reasonable compared to other big retail chains.

My entire family unreservedly recommended The Ear & Audiology Clinic & their Audiologist as we have already done with several acquaintances.

Good luck folks.
Carter family.
Vlad Putin Source: Cylex | 11.01.2022
Very good
I will rate them +10/10. Awesome patient care & highly skilled clinician.
Dedicated in what they do and treat customers like King. You can reach them 24/7 for anything and they will gladly assist you.
Dzouza Source: Cylex | 07.01.2022
Very good
Very professional hearing clinic. It is a family operated clinic and highly recommended one.

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