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4800 Sheppard Ave E #108
M1S 4N5 Scarborough

(437) 522-1460

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

vincent veronica 16.10.2023
Given my horrific experience, I do not recommend buying from this African store because if you for any reason don't like their item, they will try to bully you into losing your money or forcing you to buy other items you do not need, just so they can keep your money by any means possible. Meanwhile, they do not have any "no refund policy' on display at the store, on their non-existent website, or the social media pages. Their receipt printout specifically says "no cash refunds" but it doesn't cover other forms of payment like credit card refunds.

I bought items (2 bags of rice 50lbs each, 1 carton of indomie, 3 loaves of bread) from this store and returned the 2 bags of rice within an hour time frame and requested for my refund because we wanted to purchase smaller bags elsewhere. The customer representative tried to stall my refund with the flimsy excuses that the store manager is not in and doesn't answer calls on Sunday and that the owner traveled to Nigeria and only the two of them can authorize a refund but he noted that we had returned the items and that we were to be reimbursed and this was captured on video. I subsequently got a call from the manager yelling asking me my reason for returning the items, I tried to explain that we initially changed our minds about returning the 2 bags of rice and keep the other items but when we got to the store and they started coming up with excuses we decided to return everything and just get our refund and quietly walk away as we don't want African store returns issues. the manager interjected rudely and claimed that they have a no refund policy and it's written on the receipt. I checked the receipt and It clearly said "No cash refunds" and wondered why this applied to me because I paid with a credit card and I'm simply asking for it to be tapped back into my card. Anyway, the business owner who was said to be in Nigeria showed up at the store when things got heated to unleash his ignorance and verbal abuse and called the police on us for daring to ask for a refund within less than one hour after the purchase of the said goods. He asserted claims that we have tampered with the sealed bags of rice, indomie cartons, and sealed loaves of bread and that everything needs to be taken to a lab and tested before he can issue a refund. he also claimed that we are deliberately returning goods to African stores only and that we can never try such with the likes of Walmart, No Frills, FreshCo, and co (clearly he was speaking from an ignorant perspective). This store owner could have de-escalated the situation even when we were trying to explain our position to him, he came at us very aggressively calling us oloriburuku (an unfortunate person in the Yoruba language) meanwhile we just kept calm and kept recording him. Eventually, he called the police on us and the police advised us to sue him to get back our money which for sure we will. If his intention is to swindle customers out of their hard-earned money ($164.5) then he should bring his line of reasoning to court and let the justice system decide.

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