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394 Centre St
J0X 2Y0 Shawville

(819) 647-4707

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08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 07:30 PM

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pierre duchaine 26.10.2022
This review is for Dr Majed. The clinic is well run in our experience.
But we found out that this Dr is totally insensitive to his patients.
My wife just got him a few months ago. He sent her for a mammogram. Then the technician asked for an x-ray then a biopsy. For over 5 weeks we could not sleep as the biopsy results take up to 14 days.
We eventually go a phone call scheduled in the middle of the day yesterday (it had been confirmed the time with his secretary the day before ) - after an hour wait past the that time, we called the office, told us that he does do calls until the end of the day (so why schedule one then at that time).
Eventually he calls back with no apology, then he wanted to discuss the first mammogram (5 week ago) - not the other 2 tests. Doesn't they teach about stress for patients waiting for cancer-test results - he had the results of the all tests. He did not even seem to be aware - although we got a letter about test in Hull. He never even sent us a call/ text as soon as he received results- or ask his secretary to do it? One has to keep calling to get something scheduled a week in the future.
After my wife told him about her waiting by her phone for his call for 3 hours, he suggested that we get another doctor if we wanted to. So we are in the process.
My wife waited for 13 years to get a assigned doctor- but she had better compassion from all other doctors than him. He should be given some sensitivity training - we did not see any in our dealing with him. Good luck to whoever has him.

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