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Thomas P 14.03.2022
Best PAOC church I have been to in Alberta so far. Some bright, happy and friendly people attend The Park Church. There is no "fixed culture" here. In other words, some churches have it where a certain race or cultural creed dictates certain behaviors for the rest of the congregation thus outing anyone with labels who don't adhere to the "predominant culture's" views or algorithms. Run fast and run far away from congregations like that. However, this is not the case at The Park Church. No way. There is love and vibrancy here that is eager to grow and prosper in the Lord. There is no cold and strachy ora in this place as far as I could tell.

Great programs for people of all ages. The pastors are not shady men with pasty smiles and petty ideas who cherry pick Scriptural passages like what is known in some other churches. These men are zealous, friendly and non evasive. They have no problem answering your questions, even if those queries or concerns are through e-mails.

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