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506 St Albert Trail #108
T8N 5Z1 St. Albert

780 460 9400

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

MCC Source: Cylex | 04.08.2019
This place gave me the worst hair cut! When asked how I wanted the cut, I said I would like to get rid of the flat top and then zeros on the sides and the back. So he nodded and started the zeros on the sides and back which was fine. Then the moment he got to the top and centre, he took a huge chunk of hair out and went side to side with the buzzer making it as flat as he could. It was flatter than before!! He asked me if this looked good then I answered no, I wanted to get rid of the flat top, "getting rid of" means I don't want it. I didn't like the flat top so that's why I don't want it, and he made it even flatter than before I came in! By that time he has already taken a very big chunk of hair out of the top and left a divot in the middle. He said he'll fix it and make it not a flat top, but by that time he's already shaving more and more hair out leaving me almost bald! If he didn't understand English please ask confirmation questions to make sure he knows what the client wants! If he doesn't know what "get rid of" means then don't nod and start pretending that he understands English. I said "get rid of flat top" but all he heard was "flat top" so he shaves everything flat and even takes a chunk of hair out of the middle. I don't think he speaks English well enough to converse with a client what he/she wants, and this was probably his first day cutting people's hair. Who takes a giant chunk of hair out of the middle and leaves a hole? He said he'll fix it but after a while of trying to fix it he still failed and cutting down my hair shorter and shorter! To the person who cut my hair: please learn English, take barber school, and practice practice practice before sitting someone in your barber chair!!! You're the worst barber I've ever seen in my entire life! I can guarantee no one can be worse than you, so congratulations you've hit the bottom of the pile!

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